Club Installs Incoming Board at Outdoor Brunch
On Saturday, June 27 we held our 2020-2021 “Free to Sparkle” patriotically themed Installation of officers in Sherry’s backyard, which was perfect because there was lots of space to social distance. Kudos to Sherry Luz, Jennifer Luz-Olson, Lani Beltrano and Karen Del Bene and everyone else who helped make it possible. The food and decorations were superb. We all liked Dyana Preti’s “Five Affirmations for Soroptimists” so much that we are reprinting them below:
Five Affirmations for Soroptimists by Dyana Preti
- We are AMAZING! We do more, think more, say more, feel more, love more and we act on it.
- We can do ANYTHING! We have strong values about the role and rights of women and girls in this world. We have causes and projects that we champion with courage, compassion and conviction.
- We make the choice to be POSITIVE! Adversity is no match for us. Our hearts are big and we make a positive difference in this troubled world.
Each of us is a UNIQUE individual! Each brings her own personal skills, time and talents to our club and gives of herself in her own unique way. Each of us is valuable, needed and appreciated by her sisters here. - We are EMPOWERED! Because of everything we are, everything we bring to this club, we are empowered and we empower each other as well. You’ve heard the saying, “As an individual you are but one drop of water.” But as Soroptimists working together we are a global ocean reaching out to women and girls on every continent. Our teamwork makes the dream work!

Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland
2020-2021 Board
President: Assly Sayyar
President Elect: Cherie Wilson
Secretary: Kaye Van Nevel
Treasurer: Pat Origlieri
Assistant Treasurer: Aleta Dirdo
1. Membership: Lani Beltrano & Karen Del Bene
2. Programs: Elizabeth Freed
3. Fundraising: Runa Gunnars
4. Public Awareness: Jackie Huyck
President of the Club President: Assly Sayyar
2 year Delegate: Sherry Luz
2 year Alternate: Jennifer Luz-Olson
1 year Delegate: Nelly Jarrous
1 year Alternate: Runa Gunnars